October 8, 2009

day 87

all moved in not unpacked yet though. Trying to set up cable is a nightmare and Minnesotan's drive worst than LA drivers. Yes you read that right the Minnesotan drive like crazy people.


Scott said...

Hi Jill- welcome back to winter...I wanted to know if you got my voicemail or email from earlier in the week? It sounds like the work got done in your yard, but let me know if I can help with anything else. Sat is babysitting day, but I could try to get over there Sunday...let me know!

Anonymous said...

My fiance' tells me that I'm a crazy driver and I have been out here in Michigan now for the past 16 years lol. Must still be in my blood. Glad you are getting things situated.

Jill, Foxy and Ana said...

Sorry scott I don't have any internet access or email. I'm going to my cousins house a couple time to blog. So I didn't get your message. As for phone i only have my cell right now cause the house phone is the vonage accout.