Friday I sat down and finished putting my European photos in albums. I still have some trips that need to be printed and that is where this blog is going today.
I went to get some disks to burn photos on and the guy told me that now everyone is putting their photos on USB flash drives things. I tried a usb thing before when Joe's work put all his emails and contacts on one for me. I have never gotten it to work and now have no idea where it is - may be Amy or Jaime has it.
Anyway I bought the stupid usb thing and it doesn't work, the little light on the stick doesn't even light up. I'm thinking that they are not compatible with a mac or something like that.
So I never got my other photos printed this weekend and most of all I never got all my shoe photos printed that I need to put on my shoe boxes!
I did however get the trim in my shoe closet painted, with out to much of a mess. Joe would have never let me paint - one time I flew to Chicago to paint Karen's deck on the back of her condo and thought we were nuts. I must say I think I did a very job on her deck.