April 17, 2010

day 281

I know that the Iceland volcano is a serious matter right now in the world...but I can just imagine if Joe, Foxy and I were traveling in Europe and this happened the vein on the side of Joe's head might have popped. That is how I always judged how stressed he was.

I just keep imagining this would have happened to us if we still lived there and all I can do is laugh and at the same time know the frustration these people are going through.

I'm seriously thinking about buying a train ticket now for part of my trip this summer just in case this volcano decides to do this again this summer not the UK would be a nice place to get stranded - that is if it ever clears up. I believe that if I was stranded over seas my mom might hire me a boat to get home so she doesn't have to watch the dogs a day longer.

1 comment:

Kate G said...

Did you hear that John Cleese hired a taxi to drive him from Oslo to Brussels so he could catch the Eurostar back to London last week? I think that Joe would have appreciated the story of that $5,000 cab ride . . .