January 13, 2011


Last weekend I watched the beginning episodes of Sex and the City. The first 2 seasons I never got on DVD and you never really see the first one on re-runs. I just remember the first couple I never really related to the other seasons I totally could relate to.

This how ever now has changed. The first couple shows were my life. Here are a couple examples.

Carries said that there are no single men in there 30’s and the guys in there 40’s are like a Sunday Times crossword puzzle you just can’t figure them out! This is so true NOW back then I would have never thought about guys in there 40’s!

Then there is a scene where Carrie just wants to kiss so she starts seeing a guy in his 20’s. Then she ends up staying over one night and realizes why she stopped dating guys in there 20’s. (his apartment and roommate were a mess)– For some reason this was funny to me enough said…

The other and main comparison was when her married friends didn’t like her by there husbands – it was ok for them when she was dating a guy they were all excited and did couple things but when she was single they didn’t want anything to do with her. – I don’t think I have much to say about this is speaks for it’s self – back in the day when I watched this I didn’t have many married friends so never really had to deal with this NOW this is a different story.

Anyway just wanted to share this with you thought it was funny how art imitates life.


Anonymous said...

Same thing happens when you get a divorce. The up side is that once you are over the shock of being a discard, you know for sure who are your true friends. Until the husband makes a pass at you . . .awkward.

Jill, Foxy and Ana said...

Your funny Francoise!