August 12, 2009

day 32

I didn't do to much Tuesday, not that I do not have a lot to do I just didn't do any of it.

Saturday Joe's college roommate came to visit and spent the night.  He drove across the US from North Carolina on a motorcycle.  Not a fancy one either just a plain Honda bike.  He also camped at state parks on his way out here.  Not my idea of a vacation,  but I did not want him to cancel his trip because of the circumstances.  Did I mention that I never met him before 

We did go out to dinner on Saturday night and I was hoping that nobody saw me out cause I was afraid they might have thought it was a date.  That is all I would have need is that rumor going around town.  

1 comment:

Geotacs said...

came over from your Belgium blog

looks like you are in the US now...

hope you both are adapting back well!

anyway we all get those i-didn't-get-to-do-what-i-wnat-to-do and friend-from-far-away-visiting days

but you'll managed as you have... :)

to better days ahead!
