I got Ana January 2 she is 4 years old. The adoption place I got her from purchased her from a puppy mill auction in Missouri the week of Christmas. So when I got her she had only been out of the puppy mill for a week. She has had puppies i'm not sure how many litters nor what her living conditions were like. She isn't trusting of humans and I still can't sit next to her and pet her, but that will come with time. She has already come a long ways, when I first got her she just sat in the kitchen on her bed not moving. Now she is walking around the house following Foxy and doing everything she does except sit on my lap and beg for carrots.
I will keep you posted on her progress until then enjoy these photos. She as big of a ham as Foxy so it took a while to get photos of her. They both had on vikings jersey's Sunday night but Ana didn't want her photo taken at all, maybe she is a saints fan?


Ana hiding behind Foxy the ham (oh I see a camera let me sit and smile)
Mom is taking another photo sit pretty
Foxy sniffing Ana to say "ok mom she can stay"
Poor Ana. Imagine being stuck in a cage and forced to breed all her life!
It's a wonder she walks at all.
It's good she now has you and Foxy to introduce her to the good life. That picture of the 2 of them sitting one behind the other is priceless! more please.
I guess Ana is going to be a good friend to Foxy even if she never comes around to trust people. She is cute,but as you know, I think more than 1 dog at a time is going to keep you from doing the traveling that you like to do.mom
I, too, love that photo of Ana sitting behind Foxy. Thanks for the new pictures--my papillon-owning neighbor is interested in Ana's progress, too. (I guess that makes us your two dogs' Colorado fan club.)
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