I'm just amazed at this alternative medicine. She told me things about Ana that made sense just by listen to certain areas of her. For example she asked if she is always hot...yes she pants now just on the way to the lake and loved being outside in the winter. Well I guess she has no ying or what ever you want to call it left to make her cooler. Some how she used it all up. Then she asked some other questions which lead to her having mucus in her brain which comes from not being stimulated mentally. Other things too which comes from being stuck in a cage for 4 years and having babies then having them taken away from her.
She is now on some dried herbs, a liquid herb and some food I need to give her once a week. (chicken liver organic, black beans and a sardine one of these once a week)
She needs to go back for one more session of acupuncture and the doctor said she would like to treat her more with herbs and different food.
Below are some photos of her needles. She had more needles in her than I ever have, they were all over her body. She was very good about having them put in her too, then she got 2 shots of B12 one in her head the other in the bottom of her ear.
Hopefully after this I will have a new well adjusted dog :)

One in her back the other on the left side...I know it is hard to see them all because she has such thick hair...that is why I thought she was always hot not that she lost her zen.
One needle in the top of Ana's head the other behind her left ear, the one in the right ear fell out.
I will keep you posted on her progress.
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