November 17, 2009

day 128

Sorry for the late post...i did how ever get a lot accomplished today.

Wish me luck tomorrow (wednesday) I have to go to the bank and meet Joe's dad to get some things straightened out and hopefully that will be the last interaction I will have to have with his family till telling the updates about the trial. I'm crossing my fingers they don't go to LA for it. That is another story for another day. (they just suck all the life and energy out of me and replace it with anger which is sad cause I'm not even angry about the guy who hit Joe just his parents)

As you all have figured out my life is anything but normal and dealing with everything concerning Joe's death is anything but normal too. There are to many issues to share with you all, I'm thankful this thanksgiving for having friends, family and a great sense of humor to get me though this all.

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