March 9, 2010


Last night Ana and I went to her 3rd class. We practiced walking other peoples dogs, sound harmless right. Well for some reason the teacher thought she would pick up Ana then pass her to someone else.

It didn't go well...something happened I don't know what I just got to the other side of the room after the fact. Some how in passing her she was dropped or something and was so nervous that she peeed and pooed all over the lady that was holding her.

Why the teacher would think it would be a good idea to pick her up and pass her around is beyond me. She was just like a puddle taking her home so limp and scared.


Kate G said...

Picking up Ana AND then passing her to someone else was an incredibly foolish thing to do. That's the kind of thing they do in puppy training classes with very young dogs; it's not something you do with older dogs with known fear issues.

Jill, Foxy and Ana said...

I still can't believe they did at either. I will keep you posted as to what happens next week - hopefully she will go into the class room