I also need to apologize for my out of control hair...it is summer in NYC with the humidity and it did sprinkle on and off that day. It has a mind of it's own. Not to mention we walked around all morning then went to the play.

Brooke and I - she asked me how I like my Leica Camera, so if she gets one it is because of me, just kidding.
Karen and Brooke
Me with Doris Roberts
Us with Julie Halston - she was Bitsy Von Muffling on "Sex and the City" we also saw her walk the carpet at the SATC 2 premier.
Anna Chlumsky - you might be like who is she, well she is the little girl from the movie My Girl.
You look great. Brooke Shields on the other hand looks like a transvestite which I am pretty sure she isn't. Must be her make-up
You are too funny Francoise!
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