June 21, 2009


Sunday I dragged Joe to pick cherries.  There is a big orchard about 30 minutes away from our house.  I know what you thinking me picking stuff...when I lived at home I always had to pick crab apples that made me very crabby (now the tree is cut down), one Christmas we went and cut our own Christmas tree (not fun and froze every part of my body), and lets not forget blueberry picking with wood ticks, bears and other creatures. It also takes so long to get enough for a pie or pancakes.  

Cherry picking was actually fun and very quick, there was only one issue they had signs up about snakes.   Here are some photos from our day. 

"The Rules"
Should I eat this one now or later?
Joe with a bucket of bings and no bling bling. 

Bing Cherry

Rainer Cherry - very sweet and my favorite

Lots, and lots of cherries. 

We drove by this house with two Llama's in their yard.  There is a brown one on their porch.  I think he wants to go in and watch TV or get treats.  
The scenery in the area. 


Kate G said...

For someone who had to be dragged to the cherry orchard, Joe looks right at home. And why are you wearing a hoodie? It's June! It's Southern California!

Jill, Foxy and Ana said...

When we moved here everyone said it would be warm which I'm still waiting for. Finally this week they say it will be warm. We have had 28 days with "june gloom" and well below ave. temps. Which means 50-60's with gray skies.

Sunday was about 68-73 with wind but we had sun. That is why I have on a hoodie.

Jill, Foxy and Ana said...

OHhh I forgot to add he is jet lagged and wanted a bike ride that is why I so called dragged him. He just didn't know what it would be like.