February 23, 2010

day 226

Sorry for the late post. I was tired last night after Ana's first shy/fearful of humans class. Her class went good. Meaning I got her harnessed, in the car and at the class and then home.

She just sat most of the class under my chair. She wasn't the only one sitting under the chairs of their owners. There was a huge German Shepherd trying to squeeze his way under the small chairs. The other one was a really small wiener dog.

The aggressive dogs were a huge huge great Dane dog (or horse) that wanted to attack the Chihuahua. Then there was a black lab that kept lunging at people.

This should be a very interesting class.

Also yesterday I found this new product called anti-stress calming spray for pets. I sprayed it on Ana's bed last night and she was out like a light and also on her bed downstairs now and she is just laying there like a perfect dog. This product really works...


Anonymous said...

Wow, I wonder was the ingredients of that spray are. Good for insomniacs, maybe ;-)

Kate G said...

I could use a little of that anti-stress calming spray myself right now.