Then I went to the church talked about putting the finishing touches on his memorial service here for the coworkers and bike club. Yes I'm trying to organize 2 services and I don't know when the one in Minneapolis will be yet. Waiting on see when he will be cremated for sure.
Then we drove to the LA Coroners Office to pick up his personal belongings. I got 2 bike inter-tubes, his riding glasses some gadget that was on his bike and his wedding ring. Which is the way I i.d. him over the phone if you can believe that. The very very ironic twist to this is that a couple weeks ago I asked Joe if we could go to the Coroners office and take a tour. Yes for some reason this is a tour attraction in LA. The other strange thing is that when I was waiting to be called into a room to get the belongings I notice the gift shop. It was discrete but inside (yes that could be wrong that I did go inside I just wanted to see what was in there) was all coroners merchandise. I would have been a much better place to see if I didn't actually have to be there. They did give me a free pen. One more funny thing the lady started writing me a check for $9.00 and I was like why are you writing me a check? her responce was "he had $9.00 on him when he came in and we don't keep cash here" Like I was suppose to know that.
Then since my Parents and my brother haven't seen anything in LA, it was only a hop, skip and a jump over to the Hollywood walk of fame and to see the Hollywood sign. Then we had dinner at In-N-Out.
There are moments when I tear up then there are the things that are so strange or screwed up with this accident that all I can do is laugh or else I would just be crying all the time.
Here is the link to the local paper that has more stories click here
So that was my day on Wednesday - tomorrow is another big day.

So that was my day on Wednesday - tomorrow is another big day.
Kids playing in the fountain at Hollywood and Highland area
Christina Agulara (spelling of the last name?) was filming something when we were there photo was taken from inside Sephora when I was buying water proof makeup.
Hey Jill...glad your family is there with you. When I read your blogs I can picture you telling the "story", today I laughed at your comments about Joe's shoes and belt!
And the irony of wanting to tour the Coroner's office, I just shook my head in disbelief.
Hope there is peace at the memorial service today, I will be thinking of you!
Thank you Jen.
Hi Jill,
Will call you tomorrow...Joe's pride and joy was a 2002 (perhaps 2003?) Eddie Merckx Team SC. I don't know the size. Will you get it back? Perhaps I can salvage the good parts and donate them to Full Cycle- a MPLS bike shop that helps homeless and at-risk youth. (Joe knew the shop due to recent conversations.)
Talk soon; hang in there,
Just want you to know that we are thinking of you during this tragic loss of such a wonderful husband.
With our sincere condolences,
Terri (Rose's daughter) and family
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