July 20, 2009

Day 7, 8 & 9

The last couple days have been a blur here is a quick recap.

Friday my dad and brother left to drive one of our cars back to Minneapolis so I have a car there later this week.  I went to my favorite class at the gym and was greeted with lots of hugs and support. (took it easy since I have only been eating liquids)  Then I made a lot of calls to see if I could finalize the service and etc.  Brought Foxy to the vet to get her check up and paper work so she can fly home with me.  She can go to the service now in Minneapolis as long as she is in her carry bag and the attendant doesn't see her.  So everyone has to help hide her.  

Saturday running errands to get photos printed,  making travel arrangements to go to MPLS, picking up and dropping off dry cleaning and finally got the service set. 

Sunday I only left the house to get take-out dinner.  It was a big day for getting lots and lots of things crossed off my list. However getting the program together almost did me in, thanks to Kate for saving the day or the night I should say.  
I also got the obit written and submitted to the paper-I was in shock at how much they cost. 

Sad things I had to cancel:
Weekend in Vegas with Jilaine and Mel on the 31st
I gave away my tickets to Faragot North to a friends daughter and she had a blast! 
Cancelled our wedding anniversary trip to Hawaii 

Monday I pick up Joe's ashes,



Anonymous said...

Dear Jill,
I asked Kate to give me your address so I could send you a written note but it looks as though it would not arrive in time. Is there an address to which I could send it when you are back home?
I have thought of you so much and wished I could have been closer to help in whatever tasks were necessary. I hope you will continue to write your blog so we won't lose touch. My sympathy and affectionate thoughts are with you.

tshg said...


It was nice talking with you last night. Hang in there.
