September 1, 2009

Day 52

Yesterday I awoke to the smell of smoke and later the winds picked up and the smoke changed directions.  They have set a a second headquarters for police/firefighter in Santa Clarita so that is a good sign that it might not come this way but on the other hand it is bad cause that means the fires are close enough to have a second base camp.   

Then Jilaine and I went to Pizzeria Mozza for a yummy lunch - I tried fried squash blossoms, they were deep fried with cheese in the middle.  They were really yummy. 

Along the day I made phone calls to get appointments set up for sanding my floors and getting my  house (inside) repainted.  I got an email from the rental company saying the people finally moved out and the house is a mess and there is some damage.  My friend Bob is going to check it out tomorrow when the guys are there to give me quotes.  I hope it really isn't bad and they are just exaggerating.  

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